Storm Drain Art Project

The Gaithersburg Parks, Arts & Recreation Corporation (G-PARC) Arts & Culture Alliance, in conjunction with the City’s Stormwater Management Program & Cultural Events & Services Division, are pleased to announce the 2023 Storm Drain Art Contest, designed to bring attention to the importance of protecting our Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Artists of all ages are invited to submit designs either online or through the mail. Details & specifications for this year’s contest, as well as the online submission form can be found in the Documents section of this page.

All artwork must be submitted electronically or postmarked by March 22, 2023 (World Water Day). Members from the local artistic community will review the submissions & choose the designs to be painted on the storm drain covers at selected locations within City limits. The selected designs may also be used in banners, posters, coloring books, other educational materials, and social media. Selections will be announced on Earth Day, Friday, April 22, 2023.

Volunteers are needed to help on the day of the paint-out. Volunteers will be asked to greet & check in artists, talk about the program to passerbys, photograph, videograph, bring paint to artists & clean up. It is a fun way for students to earn SSL hours while promoting the environment. Painting is tentatively planned for June.

For more information, please contact the Arts & Culture Alliance at 301-258-6350 or via email at